Spikey’s Clinic for Professional Dreamers was a project created in 2021, inspired by the struggles that youth workers go through, and more specifically the -unfortunately pretty common- work-related burnout that many of us have been experiencing.

As our work is not yet recognised officially as a profession in many European countries, youth workers’ struggles are also often disregarded. But the reality is that youth workers, or Professional Dreamers as we prefer to call them, are the cornerstone of an informal support system for youth. Through this project, we are aiming to give back to them, creating a set of tools that might help them alleviate their work-related stress and even prevent possible burnout.

One of our approaches toward this goal is creating a small docu-series, interviewing youth workers who share their experiences, difficulties, and wisdom, hoping to inspire positive change in youth workers’ lives and the reality of their work.

Through these videos you will meet youth workers from many countries, but also Spikey, our dragon, who according to the Dragon Dreaming methodology represents our troubles, our fears, and uncertainties.

Spikey is here to teach us how to ''dance with our dragons'' and empower us to discover our strengths and implement meaningful changes.